Pair Programming

Pair Programming

Over the past ten years, I worked with over a hundred development teams and they all had one common characteristic: they typically didn’t use pair programming as a technique to deliver software. Some teams talked about pair programming and liked the idea of it, but for some reason(s) they still didn’t pair. This raises the question so why won’t they pair? In my experience there are many obstacles to pair programming and collaboration. Many teams cooperate very well but don’t actually collaborate. Collaboration is a key aspect of pair programming, as it trust.

Agile by the Numbers

Agile by the Numbers

Did you know? On average, large IT projects run 45% over budget and 7% over time, while delivering 56% less value than predicted. It seems like Agile is everywhere. So, what’s all the fuss about? Project Cooks has scoured and researched and asked the important questions because we believe in Agile, and we believe in the training we provide our clients.

Practice, Don’t Preach Agile

Practice, Don’t Preach Agile

Mastering a new way to complete projects takes time. It takes knowledgeable leaders, open-minded employees and the right tools. Rolling out an Agile development process is just this sort of thing. You can’t show a fancy PowerPoint presentation and believe everyone gets it. You also can’t expect everyone to know why you’re actually adopting such a methodology.